Paul Internet Completes Internal UX Study

Ensuring User Experience, also known as UX for short, is the leading element in enhancing responsive design. Paul Internet has now concluded internal testing of improving UX in their growing technology network to ensure future sustainability.

User Experience Testing is vital for not only websites, but for most all technology offerings including, but not limited, software, mobile apps, and e-commerce. The overall consensus from UX studies are an ever-increasing ROI and satisfied grouping of end-users after implementation.

“With nearly 10 millions visitors monthly in our network, it was imperative to ensure our users are receiving the experience they expect upon entry.” said Matthew Dixon, CPO of Paul Internet. “This internal study for user experience will allow us to make adjustments based on the data we have received for the better.” he further stated.

Paul Internet has now planned an extensive timeline through 2013 for improving their global network as an ongoing measure to ensure users are continuously receiving the information, products, and services they expect in technology.

To learn more about how the Paul Internet network can be leveraged for your business, learn more about Our Reach.

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